Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Final marks -- plus solutions for exam, June 2010

Final marks are now posted on Google Docs at http://tinyurl.com/ylgwc6c.

The answers and solutions to the June exam are on posterous.com at http://ics2.posterous.com/.

One or two graphic details may not display accurately on that posterous document. The diagrams for the question on pixel graphics should look like below (this does not show the shaded arc):

Have a great summer!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Career Project -- Bibliography format

The Career Project specifies that you create a bibliography using a standard format (APA or MLA) that you learned in your Careers class.

A simple search on the Web (e.g. bibliography APA style) will find you many guides to correct formatting. One example is at http://www.library.ubc.ca/home/about/instruct/apastyle.html.

Another approach is to fill in the form with information about your source at http://www.bibme.org/, select APA or MLA, then copy and paste the citation it creates for you.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

format of June exam

The June exam will take place on Tuesday, June 15, 12:30 - 2:00.

It is worth 20% of your final mark.

The format of the exam is --
12 Part A: Multiple Choice
13 Part B: What is the output?
25 Programs
15 Part D: Written explanations

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What you need to know for the test on Turing Selection

On Thursday, April 22 there will be a test on Chapter 9 of the Turing textook (Selection). You will be asked to write four programs in Turing.

You need to know:

1- the if construct - including elsif

2. finding large and smallest of input numbers of strings

3. the case construct

Monday, April 12, 2010

Turing in-class assignment - Selection using the case construct

Create a Turing program named after yourself (e.g. HannahM_SelectionCase). The program asks the user to choose their favourite sport from a menu of four sports. The program then gives a different reponse (e.g. "Great choice! Hockey is Canada's most popular sport.") for each sport. Use a case construct with string input. When finished, copy your file to the Dropoff Folder (Jarvis / Dropoff / Schreiber / ICS2O1).

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thuirs., Feb. 3 - Norton, Ch. 27, Creating computer programs

Today we begin Norton, Ch. 27, Creating computer programs.

Some of this material will be familiar to you because you have already been creating computer programs in Turing, but you will get a more general overview of the topic by also learning about subjects such as program flow, flowcharts, algorithms and heuristics, and object-oriented programming (or try this link).

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Test, Mon., Feb. 8 - Turing ch. 7 Character Graphics

There will be a test on Turing, Chapter 6 (Character Graphics) on Mon., Feb. 8.

Wed. Feb. 3 - Finish questions at tend of Chapter 7.

Thurs., Feb. 4, bring your Norton textbook to class.

Monday, January 25, 2010

the Turing textbook in pdf form

The entire Turing textbook, An Introduction to Programming in Turing by J.N.P. Hume (Holt Software Associates Inc.), is now available in pdf format in the Pickup Folder.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Turing Ch. 7 - see Pickup Folder

The Pickup Folder has the following files:

* Ch07_xtraExers.doc
--- Extra exercises to give you more practice

* Ch07_CharacterGraphics_textExers_ANSW_Q01-06.pdf
--- Answers to the extra exercises)

* Ch07_CharacterGraphics_exercises_hints.doc
--- Hints for some of the trickier points in the exercises at the end of the chapter

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Turing, Ch. 7 - in-class assignment

Create a new Turing program named after yourself (e.g. BackO_Ch7_assignment.t).

You may use your notes, the textbook or any programs you have saved on your home drive

Using the some of the sample programs in Chapter 7 (pp. 118-129), create a program that
1. begins by colouring the entire screen blue

2. simulates the bouncing of a rectangle, using the characters [], starting near the bottom left of the screen at location 25,2 and moving diagonally upward to the right

3. the rectangle consists of red characters, and the background of the characters is yellow

4. the speed of the "movement" is slow enough that the movement can be easily seen

Monday, January 4, 2010